Καλημέρα Καστοριά !!!! Από τήν χθεσινή Εκδήλωση στήν κοπή τής πίτας , τού Συλλόγου ((Ομόνοια)) τών Ομογενών, στήν αίθουσα Άγιος Γεώργιος στήν Κορυτσα.

Image may contain: 6 people, including Σωτήριος Αδαμόπουλος, people smiling, people sitting, people eating, table and food

Image may contain: 5 people, including Σωτήριος Αδαμόπουλος, people smiling, people sitting and table

Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting and indoor


Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes and indoor



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